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Signs Of Sickness In Birds
September 1, 2023

Have you recently adopted a bird? Polly is a wonderful pet: she definitely packs loads of personality into a small package. One important element of being a good pet owner is keeping an eye out for signs of illness or injury. That may require a bit of a learning curve for first-time bird owners. A Las Vegas, NV veterinarian lists a few things to watch for in this article. 

Reduced Appetite

It’s almost always a bad sign when an animal isn’t interested in food. Pay attention to Polly’s eating habits. Feeding her at the same time each day can be helpful with this. If you’re noticing leftover food and/or your feathered pal doesn’t seem to be drinking as much water as usual, she may be ill. It’s also important to monitor what comes out of your bird. Changes in your pet’s waste, such as discolored or runny stools, can be signs of serious medical issues.

Cere Issues

Changes in the shape or color of Polly’s cere—the area around her nostrils—are also warning signs. Pus or crusted discharge are definite red flags, and can be indicative of infection or respiratory issues.

Ruffled Feathers

Polly’s feathers should be smooth and clean. Discolored, broken, dirty, stained, or missing feathers can all be signs that something is wrong, as are broken or bleeding pin feathers.


Every bird has their own unique persona. Sudden changes in Polly’s usual mannerisms or vocalizations can be warning signs. For instance, a normally friendly bird that is suddenly angry or aggressive may be sick. Lethargy is another indication that something is wrong. If you’re looking for more specific information on caring for a particular type of bird, you might find our article on Cockatiel Care Tips helpful. While it focuses on cockatiels, many of the care principles apply to other bird species as well.

Weight Changes

A sudden loss or gain of weight—especially one that can’t be explained by dietary changes—can also be an indication that something is wrong. Weighing Polly regularly can help you spot these changes.

General Appearance

The more attention you pay to your pet bird, the easier it will be to spot indications that something is wrong. Look Polly over daily as you’re spending time with her. Lumps, bumps, bruises, and swelling are all clear indications that something is off. You may also notice your winged buddy standing or moving in a strange way, perhaps shifting her weight.


Polly’s eyes should be clear and bright. If they appear crusty, dull or sunken, or are watery, there may be something going on with your feathered pal.

Our opinion on Signs Of Sickness In Birds in 2024

How do the signs of illness differ between various species of pet birds?

Signs of illness can vary significantly between different species of pet birds. For example, parrots may show symptoms such as feather plucking and changes in vocalizations, while canaries and finches might exhibit lethargy and reduced singing. Budgerigars often display cere color changes and fluffed-up feathers. Additionally, larger birds like cockatiels might show beak and feather abnormalities more prominently. Despite these differences, common indicators across species include changes in appetite, droppings, and behavior. Regular monitoring and knowledge of species-specific signs are crucial for early detection and treatment of illnesses.

What are the most common respiratory diseases in birds?

Common respiratory diseases in birds include Psittacosis, Aspergillosis, and Avian Influenza. Psittacosis, caused by Chlamydia psittaci, leads to symptoms like nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, and lethargy. Aspergillosis, a fungal infection, affects the respiratory tract, causing labored breathing, weight loss, and decreased appetite. Avian Influenza, a viral infection, presents with respiratory distress, coughing, and sneezing. Early detection and veterinary intervention are crucial for managing these conditions. Maintaining good hygiene, proper ventilation, and regular health check-ups can help prevent respiratory diseases in pet birds.

How quickly can a bird’s condition deteriorate once symptoms appear?

A bird’s condition can deteriorate rapidly once symptoms of illness appear, often within a few days. Birds naturally hide signs of illness to avoid appearing vulnerable to predators, so visible symptoms typically indicate advanced stages of disease. Immediate veterinary attention is crucial as conditions like respiratory infections, sudden weight loss, or changes in behavior can escalate quickly, leading to severe complications or death. Early detection and prompt treatment are essential to improving the prognosis and ensuring the bird’s recovery and well-being. Regular monitoring and swift action are key to managing bird health effectively.

Are there any preventive measures or regular health checks that bird owners should perform?

Bird owners should perform regular health checks and take preventive measures to maintain their pet’s health. Weekly examinations should include monitoring for changes in appetite, weight, feather condition, and droppings. Regularly inspect the eyes, beak, and feet for abnormalities. Ensure the bird’s environment is clean, with proper ventilation and free from drafts. Provide a balanced diet and clean water daily. Routine veterinary check-ups are essential for early detection of health issues. Vaccinations and parasite control, as recommended by a veterinarian, also play a crucial role in preventing diseases.

What are some early warning signs of nutritional deficiencies in birds?

Early warning signs of nutritional deficiencies in birds include changes in feather quality, such as dullness, discoloration, or abnormal molting. Other indicators are lethargy, reduced activity levels, and changes in appetite or weight. Birds may also exhibit behavioral changes, such as increased irritability or decreased vocalization. Additionally, beak and claw overgrowth or abnormalities can signal deficiencies. Monitoring these signs, providing a balanced diet tailored to the bird’s species, and consulting with a veterinarian for regular health assessments can help prevent and address nutritional deficiencies effectively.

Recognizing signs of illness in birds is crucial for their health and well-being. However, prevention is always better than cure. Our Exotic Pet Care services offer comprehensive health support for birds and other unique pets. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, we’re here to help keep your feathered friend healthy and happy.

Do you have questions about your bird’s health or care? Contact us, your Las Vegas, NV animal clinic, today!