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Bonding With A Hedgehog
June 1, 2023

Hedgehogs have become pretty popular in recent years, and it really isn’t difficult to see why.  They’re absolutely adorable! Hedgehogs do tend to be quite timid, though, so don’t be surprised if it takes you some time to win your prickly pet’s love and trust. A Las Vegas, NV vet offers some tips on this below.

Move Slowly

Hedgehogs are very cute, so it can be tempting to want to pick up Hedgie and hold him right away. It’s better to hold off a bit, though. Don’t swoop your pet up from behind, especially when he’s sleeping. As you can imagine, being grabbed and hauled into the air unexpectedly while napping can be pretty scary!


It’s important to know that hedgehogs don’t have particularly good eyesight. They can be startled by shadows, as they won’t know if there is a predator coming up on them. Keep this in mind both when choosing the spot for Hedgie’s cage and when approaching him.

Sweeten The Deal

Talking to Hedgie, and offering yummy snacks, can go a long way toward making him feel safe. Use a gentle, friendly tone of voice. As for the snacks, stick with vet-approved goodies. Things like waxworms and mealworms may not be fun to handle, but they will help with bonding. You can also offer small amounts of safe fruits, such as bananas, though you don’t want to offer too much sugar. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Don’t be surprised if Hedgie rolls himself up into a ball. This is a defensive mechanism, if perhaps one of the most adorable ones on the planet. Don’t try to force your pet to unroll: just wait it out. Chances are, he’ll unfurl himself once he realizes you aren’t going to eat him.


It can also help to get Hedgie used to your scent. Put a worn tee shirt in his cage for him to cuddle up in. During the bonding process, try to keep your scent consistent: don’t change lotions, detergents, or perfumes during that first week. 

Safe Places

Make sure Hedgie has a good spot to retreat to, like a little tent or hide. You can also try putting him in the pouch of your hoodie as you relax. He may just go to sleep! As you bond with your hedgehog, you might be wondering how to include them in holiday activities. For some great ideas, check out our article on Tips For Spending The Holidays With Exotic Pets.

Our Tips for Bonding With A Hedgehog in 2024

How long does the typical bonding process take with a hedgehog?

The typical bonding process with a hedgehog can vary significantly, often taking several weeks to a few months. This timeline depends on the hedgehog’s personality, previous experiences, and the owner’s consistency in handling and interaction. Initial trust-building involves moving slowly, offering treats, and using a gentle tone. Allowing the hedgehog to become familiar with the owner’s scent and providing safe spaces to retreat are also crucial steps. Patience and consistent, positive interactions will gradually help the hedgehog feel secure and bonded with its owner.

Are there any specific times of day when hedgehogs are more receptive to bonding activities?

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, so they are more receptive to bonding activities during the evening and nighttime hours. Late afternoon and early evening, when they begin to wake up, are ideal times for interaction. During these periods, hedgehogs are naturally more active and alert, making them more open to handling and bonding exercises. It is important to approach them gently and allow them to acclimate gradually to interaction, ensuring that these bonding sessions are positive and stress-free for the hedgehog.

How does a hedgehog’s age affect the bonding process?

A hedgehog’s age significantly affects the bonding process. Younger hedgehogs, especially those handled from an early age, tend to adapt more quickly to human interaction and are generally more receptive to bonding. Older hedgehogs, particularly those that haven’t been socialized or have had negative experiences, may take longer to trust and bond with new owners. Patience and consistent, gentle handling are crucial for older hedgehogs, allowing them to gradually become comfortable. Understanding and respecting the hedgehog’s pace is essential, regardless of age, to build a strong, trusting relationship.

What are some common mistakes that new hedgehog owners make during the bonding process?

New hedgehog owners often make mistakes during the bonding process that can hinder building trust. Common errors include handling the hedgehog too frequently or abruptly, which can cause stress and fear. Approaching from behind or during the day when the hedgehog is sleeping disrupts its natural rhythms. Failing to provide a consistent scent by changing lotions or perfumes can confuse the hedgehog. Additionally, neglecting to offer safe spaces for retreat and not using gentle, positive reinforcement with treats can slow the bonding process. Patience and consistency are key to successful bonding.

How do environmental factors, such as temperature and lighting, impact a hedgehog’s willingness to bond?

Environmental factors, such as temperature and lighting, significantly impact a hedgehog’s willingness to bond. Hedgehogs thrive in a stable temperature range of 72-80°F; deviations can cause discomfort or health issues, making them less receptive to interaction. Proper lighting is also crucial, as hedgehogs are nocturnal and prefer dim lighting during their active hours. Bright lights can cause stress and reduce their willingness to bond. Creating a comfortable, stable environment that mimics their natural habitat encourages relaxation and promotes positive interactions, facilitating the bonding process.

While bonding with your hedgehog is crucial for their emotional well-being, it’s equally important to ensure they receive proper medical care. Our Exotic Pet Care services offer comprehensive health support for hedgehogs and other unique pets. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, we’re here to help keep your spiky friend healthy and happy throughout their life.

Do you have questions about hedgehog care? Contact us, your Las Vegas, NV animal clinic, today!